Brookings Institution
A completely new look for the think tank’s research, commentary, scholars, and events—one that reflects Brookings' position as a beacon for policymakers worldwide.
Patriotic Millionaires is a group of wealthy Americans fighting the rise of destabilizing economic inequality and the concentration of money and power in America. They’re made up of members that use their wealth and voices to influence issues such as taxing the rich, cost-of-living-based wages and equal political representation for all Americans.
They came to Teal looking to modernize their visual identity and website to better reflect who they are, while protecting the equity of their existing brand.
Teal worked closely with Patriotic Millionaires to refresh their existing brand visuals. The brand refresh focused on:
With a refreshed brand in place. Teal turned our attention to designing an updated website. Core elements of the new site included:
A completely new look for the think tank’s research, commentary, scholars, and events—one that reflects Brookings' position as a beacon for policymakers worldwide.
The part where we ask you to cough up your email. So we can discuss all the amazing things we’re gonna do together. No pressure. Really.